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Offer available to encourage new start-up daytime sessions - we are pleased to offer discounted rates for a Season booking of daytime useage which flex depending on the number of persons attending the sessions, with a basic starting charge of £12 per hour for juniors and £15 per hour for seniors, increasing by £1 for each person attending in excess of 10 persons, up to the maximum charge shown above of £25 per hour for juniors and £30 per hour for seniors. The numbers attending will be charged on an honesty basis (subject to spot checks).
Important notes:
The three Seasons of the Charity run from 1 September to 31 December, 1 January to 30 April and 1 May to 31 August.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Hire when considering the above charge rates.
The Charity has the right to charge a fee of £5 to any hirer not abiding by clauses 35 and 36 of the Terms and Conditions, which are in summary ensuring fire doors are fully engaged closed at the end of their session, and not intentionally opening the fire doors during their session (except in an emergency), and returning equipment and goals to the appropriate place in the hall or store room at the end of their session – see Terms and Conditions for full terms of these clauses 35 and 36.
For non-commercial groups where a hiring is partly for the benefit of youths and partly for seniors, seniors will be charged at full charge and youths at a reduced rate, calculated at the expected pro-rata split, subject to a minimum proportion of 25% youths. This will need to be agreed in advance with the Charity and the hirer is responsible for correcting the payment made should the actual split vary materially from the expected split.
Where a single payment is not made up front for a series of sessions, a £2 administration charge shall be added to each additional payment made for the hire.
Discounted rates may be agreed at the discretion of the Charity.
Payment should be made to:
Bank transfer (preferred): The Tommy Clucas Community Sports Hall, Sort Code: 559100, Account Number: 13233297, please ensure a reference is added to identify the hirer.
Or, a cheque made out to The Tommy Clucas Memorial Fund and posted together with a copy of the application form to Neil Cain, The Treasurer, The Haven, Tynwald Road, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1JL.
Cash payments will not be accepted by the Charity.
Please read all documents before applying for hall use.
Check out the hall availability before making an application. Here!
Complete The Booking Request Form. Here!